B-Bop had the opportunity to spend the day with Grandpa yesterday. We happen to pass him on the street and he stopped and asked what B-Bop had going today. We told him that we were just headed home to start school. He asked if she would like to go with him to the bird refuge. She has done this type of thing with him before and thoroughly enjoyed it! Grandpa is a professional wildlife photographer and very knowledgeable about wildlife. I had the privilege of going on many trips like this as a child and they are priceless. In the past she has come home just full of information about birds and other animals. So we quickly packed up some snacks, grabbed her hiking boots, and a jacket and off they went! They left around 10:00am and returned at about 10:00pm! She took her drawing pad with her and sketched several pictures to tell us all about her adventure when she returned home. It was full of sketches of geese, turkey tracks, deer, a puppy, and the city they passed through! Most importantly she got to spend the day with the man I grew up with admiring and loving so much...it doesn't get much better than that!
http://www.spellingcity.com/ At this website you can enter your
child's spelling words for the week and they can play games, practice spelling, and take practice tests using their own spelling words!